General Number (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm): 847-296-8127
Same Day Appointments: 847-296-8127
Routine/Future appointments: 847-296-5205
Pre-natal visits: 847-296-1177
*In cases of emergency, always call 911.
Make sure to review our Important Appointment Protocols
Info Sheet & Consent Forms
We know that it can be a time-consuming process to fill out forms for you or your child. However, the information you provide is vital to us – including certain information for billing purposes, for our medical records department, and to follow governmental guidelines and regulations.
We will also be asking for the most recent insurance card, please bring a copy with you. Patients 18 years or older will be asked to sign their own consent forms.
Scheduling Appointments
In order to maintain efficient flow and limit wait times, Suburban Pediatrics will begin booking by physician instead of dates and times.
We are not changing our philosophy that we would like everyone to see all of the providers; we still feel our care is more complete when you see all the doctors.
If you would like to see a particular provider at your next visit; simply let the appointment scheduler assisting you know.
Congratulations on your new baby! When arriving for your first appointment with your new baby, please make sure to bring any records from the hospital stay to Suburban Pediatrics, Ltd. This is especially important if you did not deliver at Lutheran General Hospital.
Our goal is to help you learn about your baby as they develop and grow. Our nurses and doctors are available at each visit and by phone to answer questions and address concerns that you may have.
New Patients
Call our office at (847) 296-5205 to check if you meet the insurance requirements to become a new patient. If so, you will need to complete the following steps to get set up in the system:
1. Obtain a copy of your child/children’s Medical History from your previous pediatrician.
* Under 5yrs old requires COMPLETE Medical History
(Vaccine Record, Growth Charts, Probelm List, Specialist Consult Notes & Complete Doctors Notes.)
* Over 5yrs old requires last 2yrs of Medical History
(Vaccine Record, Growth Charts, Probelm List, Specialist Consult Notes & last 2yrs of Doctors Notes.)
2. Send COMPLETE Medical History to Suburban Pediatrics, Ltd via fax (847) 296-6435 or by mail.
3. Call Suburban Pediatrics, Ltd at (847) 296-5205 to add your child/children to our system & make an appointment. (Please allow 24 - 48 hrs for the COMPLETE Medical History to be received and reviewed before calling to be added.)
4. To allow time to complete the necessary paperwork, please arrive 15mins prior to your appointment time. You can also download the Info & Consent Forms, fill out and bring to your appointment along with your insurance card.
Yearly Physical Exams
As children get older, parents tend to forget the importance of yearly exams. We highly reccomend that children visit the office once a year for a routine well exam. Although only certain ages/grades require forms to be signed by a doctor, Suburban Pediatrics Ltd
would like to stress the importance of these visits.
For All Appointments
All appointments require 24hrs notice of cancellation.
If you cancel with less than 24hrs or miss an appointment without calling to cancel, you will be charged $50.00.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes early for your appointment. We are unable to maintain our schedule if patients arrive late for their appointments. Patients who are late, may need to reschedule.